[ExI] paradigm shift

spike spike66 at att.net
Wed May 4 11:45:04 UTC 2011

...On Behalf Of BillK

>(Though if you work in Marketing, a new soap powder is called a 'paradigm


Ja, we had one of those recently.  The west coast states banned phosphates
in detergents.  Now the new soap is more environmentally friendly, woohoo!
Of course, the new soap doesn't actually work.  The proles partially
compensate by using more of it, and running the laundry on higher
temperatures.  The laundry still doesn't get clean, but at least it is more
expensive.  This pleases the soap industry since in increases sales.
Grocery stores win, because they distribute the soap.  It pleases the
utilities because they sell more gas and electricity.  Gasoline sales
increase, because soap tourists go to Nevada to buy detergent that actually
works.  The clothing industry is happy because higher temperature washes
make the clothing wear more quickly, increasing sales.  So there were many
winners in that soap powder paradigm shift.  I wasn't among them.


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