[ExI] helping older people

Samantha Atkins sjatkins at mac.com
Tue May 10 16:58:26 UTC 2011

On May 10, 2011, at 8:23 AM, spike wrote:

> If you can endure the first couple minutes of this, the third minute has some really interesting robotics notions, stuff I have been pondering for years.
> http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/living/2011/05/10/feyerick.mit.age.lab.cnn?hpt=C2
> Here’s one I want to add, when we think of ways to help older people in our society.  Go take some packaged food item from your freezer.  Go ahead, pick anything in there.  You need only two pieces of information: how hot and how long to cook, ja?  There’s all this completely irrelevant information in huge font, none of which anyone gives a rat’s ass.  But look at where it tells you the temperature to set the oven and how long to leave it in there.  That part is in microfilm.  They scream all this other nonsense, and whisper the only thing anyone cares about.  I never had glasses, but now I need reading glasses.  Most of the time I don’t have them on my person.  So the freezer packages hide from me the only thing on that package I care about.

Well, you don't need glasses.  Just lay the package beside your phone or on the smart kitchen counter and it speaks to you about such facts.  :)

Print is so 20th century.  

- samantha

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