[ExI] More on Neutrinos

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 18:29:28 UTC 2011

2011/10/1 john clark wrote:
> It seems to me that at this point we don't need yet another theoretical explanation of why the OPERA
> results just can't be true, we already know that current theory says it just can't be true; what we need
> are new experimental results that either refute or confirm OPERA. And if it is confirmed (a very big if)
> then it doesn't matter if theoreticians say it just can't be true, nature doesn't care if scientists can explain
> it or not, that's their problem not nature's.

My previous reference was to one paper on why FTL neutrinos was impossible.

Slashdot is now pointing to a paper with an explanation of the error
in the experiment.

"Two weeks ago, researchers claimed particles called neutrinos were
travelling faster-than-light and violating the laws of special
relativity. But now it looks as though general relativity might be
behind the experiment's unusual result. An independent analysis claims
that the original experiment, known as OPERA, failed to take into
account differences in earth's gravitational field between the
neutrino source and the OPERA detector. As Nature News reports,
gravity can distort time according to Einstein's theory, and the
effect could explain why neutrinos appear to arrive 60 nanoseconds
ahead of schedule. The OPERA team is now reviewing the new analysis."

Basically it is problem with synchronising the clocks at either end of
the experiment.


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