[ExI] The twists & turns of politics & idealism (was: The End of the Future)

Dennis May dennislmay at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 9 20:01:41 UTC 2011

Bill K wrote:
This might help to clarify the protests ---

As long as we continue to avoid cleansing the system of the fraud, as
long as we refuse to put the fraudsters in jail, they will continue to
bleed us dry. If those in charge of administering justice, like
President See No Evil Obama and his worthless AG Eric Holder, refuse
to do their jobs and seek to punish the guilty, our society and our
culture could spiral into chaos and mob rule. Those in the top 1% who
are responsible for this fraud, either directly by running it, or
indirectly by supporting it financially, must ultimately be brought to
justice or society will perish. There’s no way out other than reform,
or revolution, or societal collapse. Those are the choices I see. We
had better take the first one, and take it now.

Read in the comments section and you will see that the protests
are being organized and lead by Obama re-election forces -
Unions and MoveOn.Org.  Many are paid protesters.  Whatever 
they started as - that is where they are going - a tool Obama controls 
and if things turn out bad he will throw them under the bus.
Dennis May
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