[ExI] deathless meat

Kelly Anderson kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 15:04:01 UTC 2011

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 8:37 AM, G. Livick <glivick at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Correct, stem cells isolated from just a few animals would meet meat needs
> indefinitely (more than one animal needed just for marketing purposes).  I
> also doubt that stem cells in culture ever "wear out."
> This technology will save the lives of a lot of steers.  In fact, it should
> prevent steers.  Steers should be outlawed; shot on sight.  Without nuts,
> they are too docile, sort of wander around, moo ineffectively from time to
> time, eat tons of grass, and shit all over everything.  And the price of
> veal should come WAY down.
> I wonder if the simu-meat will be formed into simu-steaks, or show up as a
> kind of meat gruel.....  I also wonder if vegans will eat the stuff; not all
> vegans avoid animal products because animals are killed, or in some way
> inconvenienced, in the production process.  I know, for example, if I was a
> vegan, it would be because I'd read something in the "National Inquirer"
> about how may pounds of undigested meat was crammed into my colon -- the
> very idea of eating Farmer John Beef Gruel Surprise would cause me to vomit
> my celery and rice pudding.  I mean, this kind of proposed lunacy caused a
> bunch of people aboard the Valley Forge their lives in "Silent Running,"
> although, happily, a couple of maintenance drones survived.

The other big advantage is that cows produce a lot of methane. A HUGE
amount of methane, in fact. And methane is about 20 times as potent as
CO2 as a green house gas. (Though I don't know how long it stays in
the air, they never explained that one). So perhaps the greens could
sign on to factory meat as early adopters too.


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