[ExI] A Nobel laureate and climate change

spike spike66 at att.net
Sun Sep 18 17:30:34 UTC 2011

>... On Behalf Of BillK

2011/9/18 Dennis May wrote:
>> ...If the government reduced its footprint - problems of innovation would
solve themselves.  The decline of innovation coincides with growth of the
government footprint.

>...Markets need sellers AND buyers...BillK

Future buyers will be Chinese and Indian.

For decades, we have had enormous cargo ships coming from China filled with
manufactured goods, returning empty or filled with scrap.  Is it so hard to
imagine that as China rediscovers capitalism and rejects communism, their
standard of living will soar compared to ours, and the buyers will be
primarily Chinese?  Then we can expect decades of ships heading east filled
with goods manufactured in the west, returning nearly empty or filled with
scrap.  And yes, we will be damn poor compared to them, but life goes on. 

There is no inherent reason why the west should be more prosperous than the
east, assuming similar levels of government intervention in the
manufacturing process.


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