[ExI] Faster than light??

Dan dan_ust at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 27 11:47:43 UTC 2011

On Tuesday, September 27, 2011 6:31 AM Tomaz Kristan protokol2020 at gmail.com wrote:
> I don't think that enough Relativity remains, that the "light cone" for example, is a
> meaningful concept anymore.
I think it might be meaningful outside that context, but I agree with your broader notion that if the fundamental underpinning of the STR does, then there's good reason to question the whole apparatus. One problem that would aise for successor theories is how to include STR as a limit case for all the phenomena it does cover well.
> The "cathegorical aparatus" od SR may be invalid and there is no point to maintain it.
> IFF indeed neutrinos go faster then light.
I'm not sure it's "if and only if." Dennis might bring up other reasons he believes STR is wrong and needs to be replaced. I don't necessarily agree with him, but he didn't come to these views because of some recent data.
> I have no answers, though. I only see troubles for Einsteinian worldwiev, but no alternative.
> Much less Einsteinenan alternative.
> Looks like to me, that a lot of people are searching just that. Mending the General Relativity
> to remain inside said paradigm.

Dennis would also have an alternative paradigm here. Again, not that I agree with him on this, but I'm not wed to any particular theory. I'm also sure, too, most here would change their minds if the evidence is corroborated or a better alternative were presented.

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