[ExI] Bucky Balls Could Double Your Lifespan

Dan dan_ust at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 9 19:01:08 UTC 2012

On Thursday, August 9, 2012 5:10 AM J.R. Jones <mrjones2020 at gmail.com> wrote:
> http://m.gizmodo.com/5902703/bucky-balls-could-double-your-lifespan
> So where do I get these? My olive oil doesn't seem to contain C60.

What's more amazing, to me, are some of the comments, especially on living twice as long being horrible, such as:

"Still... Could you imagine working for 80 years instead of 40 for your retirement?"

This remark reminds me of a friend I had in college. A few of us were discussing life extension and he would only do it if it didn't involve much effort or discomfort. It came down to one of us asking him if he had to do one injection a day -- something many diabetics put up with now -- would he do it over the alternative of aging and dying. He quickly and seriously responded that he wouldn't do it. Of course, one could say people like this will die out. Sure, they might. But my guess is it's easy, from the armchair to talk about how you'd rather die than, say, have to brush your teeth, floss, shower, etc. when you could be nice and dead in the ground rotting, but when the option is actually available people will almost always choose life.

(This goes along with Bryan Caplan's views on the costs of holding a given position. If the costs are negligible, then, opines Caplan, people can indulge in all sorts of weird positions that make little sense. But, raise those costs to a perceptible level, and suddenly they start holding or at least acting as if they held much more sensible positions.)


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