[ExI] symmetrical 11-Venn discovered

scerir scerir at alice.it
Wed Aug 15 07:49:04 UTC 2012

> I wonder if these fractals can be seen as the quantum mechanical analog 
> to a random walk of a particle?

Actually if one looks at those "quantum carpets" (link below)
one has the perception of a sort of "walk", more ordered than random. 

Asher Peres wrote in his book: "Are you surprised? If so, this is 
the result of having been exposed to unfounded quantum superstitions, 
according to which quantum theory is afflicted by more "uncertainty" 
than classical mechanics. Exactly the opposite is true: quantum 
phenomena are more disciplined than classical ones."

As Berry himself pointed out "A quantum wave packet - representing 
an electron in an atom, for example - can be constructed from a 
superposition of highly excited stationary states so that it is localized 
near a point on the electron's classical orbit. If the packet is released, 
it starts to propagate around the orbit. This propagation is guaranteed 
by the correspondence principle: for highly excited states, quantum 
and classical physics must agree. The packet then spreads along the
orbit, and eventually fills it. (It also spreads transversely - that is
away from the orbit - but that is not important in this context.)
Over very long periods of time, however, something extraordinary
happens: the wave packet contracts and after a time, T_r, 
returns from the dead and reconstructs its initial form. This is a 
quantum revival. As time goes on, the revivals repeat. In a wide class 
of circumstances, the reconstructions are almost perfect."

Maybe there is no quantum chaos, in the sense of exponential sensitivity 
to initial conditions. But there are several novel quantum phenomena 
which may reflect the presence of a sort of chaos (or very strange attractors). 

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