[ExI] pussy riot case

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Aug 23 00:38:45 UTC 2012

-----Original Message-----
From: spike [mailto:spike66 at att.net] 
>... On Behalf Of Jeff Davis

>>...He reported the crimes he saw -- Sunni detained by US forces being
turned over to Iraqi forces (Shia) for torture and liquidation -- only to be
told to shut up and go back to work helping to find and turn over more Sunni
detainees... Best, Jeff Davis

>... I no longer have any position on PFC Manning, so I will vote present
until we see how the case comes out...spike  

Hmmm, I can do better than that.  If any soldier witnesses a war crime, she
is morally and legally required to report it.  If her own commander did it,
she must report it above that level.  If PFC Manning is on trial for
reporting a war crime, then I am on his side.

Regarding PFC Manning's charges for leaking diplomatic sensitive material,
he could skate on that because no one who wrote the material would accuse
him.  If the author claims the information was classified, then it wasn't
properly marked as such, and the author is in biiiig trouble for putting
classified info on any system with a USB port, cooked a lot worse than the
person who downloaded it and leaked it.  If the information is unclassified,
there was no crime in downloading and sending.  So the accusers would slink
away like those guys in the book of John chapter 8 verse 1, and you know
what Jesus was getting that night after the hypocrites all left.


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