[ExI] 3d printers for sale

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sun Aug 26 14:51:08 UTC 2012

On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 5:28 PM, spike wrote:
> Got a 3D printer three weeks ago, set it to print a copy of itself.  Took
> all day, but finished.  Next day, did it again.  And again the day after
> that.  Now I have over a million 3D printers, no place to put them all.
> Need to sell some cheap, quickly.  Otherwise tomorrow I will have two
> million of them.

I suppose you are feeding everything around you into the input hopper
for construction materials. So when you end up in a desert surrounded
by 3D printers, you will have to build a house from 3D printers. Then
start demolishing neighbours properties to feed the machines.

What happens if a neighbour starts doing the same as you? Do you feed
each others machines into your machines?
Where will it all end?


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