[ExI] uploads again

Brent Allsop brent.allsop at canonizer.com
Tue Dec 25 00:09:08 UTC 2012

Hi Anders,

Thanks for the feedback.

"I think the take home message is, after looking at prediction track 
records and cognitive bias, that experts and consensuses in this domain 
are pretty useless."

It sounds like you are expecting expert consensus (at least anything 
that can be determined via a top down survey or any kind traditional 
prediction system) to be a reliable measure of truth. And of course, I 
would completely agree that in this and many other domains, simple 
popular vote, via a top down survey, is useless, and build no consensus 
but destroys it.

To me, that's not what an open, bottom up, consensus building survey 
system like canonizer.com is about.  This kind of system is all about 
communication, and knowing, concisely and quantitatively, what the 
competing camps are, and what it would take to convert others from their 
current consensus camps.  This Friendly AI domain is much like 
consciousness in that we just exponentially blew past the there are now 
more than 20,000 peer reviewed publications in this domain.  And most of 
that is childish and infinite yes / no / yes / no arguments, most of 
which there is no one else that agrees with any one of them.  So 
attempting to jump into any such morass at any point is a complete waste 
of time, and even if we have made any consensus progress during the last 
50 years, nobody has been able to rigorously measure for such, whether 
such consensus is valuable or not.

I've spent many hours jumping into this friendly AI pool, listening to 
gazillions of arguments on both sides.  Obviosly there are way better 
and more experienced experts than I, but we can't expect everyone to 
spend as much time as I've spent, in every single critically important 
domain like this.  You've mentioned a few new arguments that I haven't 
yet heard of, like "Eliezer-Omohundro thesis that most of mindspace is 
unsafe" which I should probably check out.  But given how much I already 
know of the kind of arguments Eliezer has used in the past, and so on, 
it's hard for me to know if such arguments are any better than the many 
many arguments I already feel like I've completely wasted my time with.

If any such is really a good (able to convince others) argument, someone 
should be able to concicely describe such, and we should be able to 
rigorously measure how many people agree that it is a good argument, 
relative to other arguments and other points of view.  And we should be 
able to track this in real time.  I.E.  Is this a new and exploding 
argument, compared to others, or have most other experts abandoned this 
thesis, and is Eliezer and Omohundro, about the only ones left still 
believing in it?

I in no way want to prematurely "dismissing the possibility that the 
other camp is on to something".  But I don't have time to follow every 
mistaken idea/arguement that at best only one, or a few people still 
agree with.

You pointed out that that I should: "find a really good set of arguments 
that shows that some human-level or beyond AI systems actually are 
safe".  And in my opinion, for me, the argument that I'm presenting, 
that any sufficiently intelligent (arround human level) will realize 
that the best, most moral thing do to, is to coperatively work with 
everyone to get everythinging for all, or at least as much of it as 
possible.  And, at least at Canonizer.com, there are more people that 
also think the same way than any other camp, as is concisely, 
quantitatively represented in a way that nobody can deny.

If Eliezer, or anyone else, thinks we in our camp are wrong, they need 
to know, concisely and quantitatively, why we think we have met your 
challenge, and what we would accept as falsifying our current working 
hypothesis.  If there is a larger, more important camp out there, they 
should focus on that camp, first.

If Eliezer and Omohundro, are the only ones that think their "most 
mindspaces are unsafe" hypothesis is valid, it's probably not worth 
anybodies time, like all the other thousands of similar ideas out there 
that only a few lonely people think are any better?  On the other hand, 
if there are a huge group of people, especially if any of them were 
experts that I'd trust, and most importantly, if this consensus is 
growing rapidly, then I should probably continue to ignore all the other 
lonely / fading arguments, and instead spend time on trying to 
understand and not dismiss that one.

This kind of open survey system isn't about determining truth. It's all 
about comunicating in concice and quantitative ways, so the best 
theories and arguments can quickly rise and be recognized above all the 
mistaken and repetative childish bleating noise. It's about having a 
bottom up system with a focus on building consensus, and finding out 
exactly what others are having problems with, not simply destroying 
consensus, like all primitive top down survey systems do.  It's about 
communicating in a concise and quantitative way that amplifies 
everyone's moral wisdom and education on any such existentially 
important moral issues, in a way that you can measure it's progress, or 
lack thereof.  It's about having a real time concise and representation 
of all that belief, with definitive measurements of which are the best 
and improving, that anyone can quickly and easily digest the best ones, 
without having everyone be required to read 20,000 peer reviewed 

Brent Allsop

On 12/24/2012 3:46 PM, Anders Sandberg wrote:
> On 24/12/2012 20:22, Brent Allsop wrote:
>> But, all intelligence must eventually logically realize the error in 
>> any such immoral, lonely, and will eventually loose, 'slavish' 
>> thinking.  Obvisly what is morally right, is to co-operate with 
>> everyone, and seek to get the best for everyone - the more diversity 
>> in desires the better.
> This is anthropomorphising things a lot. Consider a utility-maximizer 
> that has some goal (like making maximal paperclips). There are plenty 
> of reasons to think that it would not start behaving morally:
> http://www.aleph.se/andart/archives/2011/02/why_we_should_fear_the_paperclipper.html
> Typically moral philosophers respond to this by claiming the AI is not 
> a moral agent, being bound by a simplistic value system it will never 
> want to change. That just moves the problem away from ethics to 
> safety: such a system would still be a danger to others (and value in 
> general). It would just not be a moral villain.
> Claims that systems with hardwired top-level goals will necessarily be 
> uncreative and unable to resist more flexible "superior" systems 
> better be followed up by arguments. So far the closest I have seen is 
> David Deutsch argument that they would be uncreative, but as I argue 
> in the link above this is inconclusive since we have a fairly detailed 
> example of something that is as creative (or more) than any other 
> software and yet lends itself to hardwired goals (it has such a 
> slowdown that it is perfectly safe, though).
>> And I think that is why there is an emerging consensus in this camp, 
>> that thinks fear of any kind of superior intelligence is silly, 
>> whether artificial, alien, or any kind of devils, whatever one may 
>> imagine them to be in their ignorance of this necessary moral fact.
> I'm not sure this emerging consensus is based on better information or 
> just that a lot of the lets-worry-about-AI people are just busy over 
> at SingInst/LessWrong/FHI working on AI safety. I might not be a 
> card-carrying member of either camp, but I think dismissing the 
> possibility that the other camp is on to something is premature.
> The proactive thing to do would be for you to find a really good set 
> of arguments that shows that some human-level or beyond AI systems 
> actually are safe (or even better, disprove the Eliezer-Omohundro 
> thesis that most of mindspace is unsafe, or prove that hard takeoffs 
> are impossible/have some nice speed bound). And the AI-worriers ought 
> to try to prove that some proposed AI architectures (like opencog) are 
> unsafe. I did it for Monte Carlo AIXI, but it is a bit like proving a 
> snail to be carnivorous - amble for your life! - it is merely an 
> existence proof.
>> So far, at least, there are more people, I believe experts, willing 
>> to stand up and defend this position, than there are willing to 
>> defend any fearful camps.
> There has been some interesting surveys of AI experts and their views 
> on AI safety over at Less Wrong. I think the take home message is, 
> after looking at prediction track records and cognitive bias, that 
> experts and consensuses in this domain are pretty useless. I strongly 
> recommend Stuart Armstrong's work on this:
> http://fora.tv/2012/10/14/Stuart_Armstrong_How_Were_Predicting_AI
> http://singularity.org/files/PredictingAI.pdf
> Disaggregate your predictions/arguments, try to see if you can boil 
> them down to something concrete and testable.
> -- 
> Anders Sandberg,
> Future of Humanity Institute
> Philosophy Faculty of Oxford University
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