[ExI] good bexarotene article

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Feb 16 05:56:40 UTC 2012

Oh dear, I do hope this isn't true.  A comment in an article about Dr.
Landreth, they casually mention the original experiment was done in 2009:

He set his sights on bexarotene, an orally administered drug known to
activate a protein that helps switch on the ApoE gene. In 2009, Dr. Landreth
asked a newly minted postgraduate student in his lab to give the drug to
some "Alzheimer mice." Three days later, the amyloid plaques in their brains
had largely disappeared.


If he has been quietly sitting on this for two to three years, Dr. Landreth
goes from hero to zero in 60 milliseconds.  The amount of human suffering in
all that time incalculable.  If anyone sees anything like this, they need to
go to the medical press that day, not even wait until morning.


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