[ExI] Pluto probe nearing target

Ben Zaiboc bbenzai at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 24 17:20:03 UTC 2012

Dan <dan_ust at yahoo.com> asked:

> http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Just_A_Three_Year_Cruise_Left_Before_Pluto_Flyby_999.html
> Recall that many years ago someone here said this probe was
> a waste as by the time it reached Pluto better, faster
> probes would be available or maybe that body would even be
> disassembled for other uses.... Well, it's got three more
> years to get there, but the Singularity hasn't happened yet.
> Anyone want to take any bets that the probe will get there
> long before any other hyperoptimistic outcomes? :)

There's a bloke here called Zeno who's willing to bet it will never get there!

Ben Zaiboc

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