[ExI] Apocalypse Codex (Was: Religions)

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Oct 1 23:00:17 UTC 2012

>... On Behalf Of Charlie Stross

>...IIRC it actually happened, in the 1970s, at the NSA. They concluded that
the nature of a security risk lies in the potential for blackmail, so as
long as their staff were willing to be out of the closet about being
furries, gay, whatever, it was okay. What *wasn't* okay was keeping secrets
because you could be blackmailed ...) -- Charlie

It's still that way.  You can get clearances if you are open about
eeeeverything.  Consequently I hafta come out of the closet: I am hetero.
Always have been, never been anything else.  Born this way.  They don't ask
too much about lifestyle kinds of things, but they ask a lot about if you
know anyone who could blackmail you about anything.  Note to those who
attended Extro4 and the party afterwards at my house: you didn't see
anything, you didn't hear anything, and you won't say anything.  That whole
Hakosote thing was, um, nothing, didn't happen.


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