[ExI] 100 yr old on leno, was: RE: Severe Diet Doesn't Prolong Life, at Least in Monkeys

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Sep 1 15:52:34 UTC 2012



From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Max More
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 12:54 AM
To: ExI chat list
Subject: Re: [ExI] 100 yr old on leno, was: RE: Severe Diet Doesn't Prolong
Life, at Least in Monkeys


Thanks for that, spike. I typically find it hard to watch more than a couple
of minutes of video online, being an impatient bastard, but I actually
watched the whole 8+ minutes. It was lovely to see someone who, at one
century of age, still is coherent, witty, energetic, and enjoys life. 


She said she wouldn't want to live to 106 (apparently her grandmother's
age), but I don't believe it. She really should be cryopreserved, to have a
shot at more enjoyment of life. Sigh.







Ja, I interpreted the comment as a gag.  Clearly it worked.  This lady has a
real sense of humor.  I recently attended a friend's mother's 100th birthday
party.  The centenarian was cheerful, alert and coherent, but never rose out
of her chair.  


I had a great aunt who made it to 96.  I met her in 1991 when she was 90.
She had a great deal of family history no one had ever written down, but I
have a great story about that.  In my 1991 meeting, she was telling me about
her grandparents, my great great grandparents, who had a farm that straddled
the North Carolina/Virginia state line.  Whenever the tax collectors came
around, they always managed to claim their land was in the other state.  So,
according to my great aunt, the states moved the state line so that the
whole farm was in North Carolina, then to compensate, they moved the line
down somewhere else.  


The story sounded pretty far-fetched, but I noted it in my family history
notebook, assuming it was the ramblings caused by the degradation of a 90 yr
old brain.  Twenty years went by.  About a year ago, I was looking at Google
maps, which we didn't have back in 1991.  I knew the parents of the couple
(my great^2 grandparents) lived in Mouth of Wilson Virginia and Grassy Creek
North Carolina.  If you google both places and have them on the same google
map, draw a line between the two and notice what the state line does right
at that midpoint.  I will be damned, Aunt Bertha wasn't crazy.


Lesson: those of you especially younger types who are lucky enough to have
an elderly relative living nearby, make arrangements and go see her.  It's
probably a her.  This is a long weekend, so you have time.  Make a call, do
it, get er dun.  Once they are gone, they are gone forever.




On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 12:31 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:









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Max More, PhD

Strategic Philosopher

Co-editor, The Transhumanist Reader

President & CEO, Alcor Life Extension Foundation

7895 E. Acoma Dr # 110

Scottsdale, AZ 85260

480/905-1906 ext 113


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