[ExI] My bad (Was: insanity plea)

Anders Sandberg anders at aleph.se
Mon Feb 25 02:22:07 UTC 2013

On 24/02/2013 17:58, spike wrote:
> Unrelated:  Anders I went up to Stanford yesterday to Cubberly Hall at 1000, but it wasn't a transhumanist event.  Rather it was a string quartet.  The 1000 event was titled Hayden Makes You Smarter, a combination concert and lecture on Hayden.  This was quite good and well worth the ride up there.  The event which looked like a transhumanist gathering, on bioethics, was at 1300 in Cubberly.  Was that the event that Natasha and your friend was presenting?  Or did I have the wrong date, time or place?

Yes indeed. My bad. The event is apparently next month - I noticed that 
yesterday too, when I met Stuart here in Oxford and got a bit confused.

Happy you got some good Haydn, though.

Anders Sandberg,
Future of Humanity Institute
Oxford Martin School
Faculty of Philosophy
Oxford University

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