[ExI] Wind, solar could provide 99.9% of ALL POWER by 2030

Ben Zaiboc bbenzai at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 19 13:12:58 UTC 2013

"spike" <spike66 at att.net> confessed:

> I may have found a problem in my own line of reasoning.
> So what if things work out exactly as I envision?  


> My vision for the future is coping with gradually tightening
> energy sources
> and doing cool stuff anyway, replacing fossil fuels with
> renewables and
> such, but there might be a serious flaw in that line of
> reasoning.  What if
> the now generation has only small visions to dream, only
> break-even as a
> goal?  Will that work?  Will they take up the
> burden of struggling to
> maintain what we were just given?

Exactly, Spike.

This is my greatest fear (well, this and rabid chihuahuas), that we will learn to make do with less, and less, and less, all the way down to the freezing in the dark scenario.  We need expansive, /extropian/ thinking, not this defeatist, depressing 'sustainability' attitude.  There is no such thing as sustainability, we either expand or contract, win or lose, live or die.

All the more depressing when you realise that there is such a huge abundance of energy and material just floating about, doing nothing, begging to be used, yet most people seem to want to turn their back on it and slump into a slow extinction.

Ben Zaiboc

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