[ExI] patents was RE: simulation as an improvement over reality

spike spike at rainier66.com
Thu Jul 4 17:27:15 UTC 2013



From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Dave Sill
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2013 9:42 AM
To: ExI chat list
Subject: Re: [ExI] patents was RE: simulation as an improvement over reality


>.I could have sworn I saw a message here about Doug Englebart's death, but
searching my gmail archives I only found this old message from Spike.
Anyway, wanted to share this article I got via Google+:




A few words on Doug Engelbart

Bret Victor / July 3, 2013


>.Doug Engelbart died today. His work has always been very difficult for
writers to interpret and explain.



On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 1:17 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

>>...  I will grant at the same time that the US Patent office seems to have
severe Alzheimers...spike

>>.Good story for you guys that involves extropians and patents:  a few
ago we got an invitation to a party at the home of Doug Englebart, the Xerox
PARC guy who invented the mouse and a bunch of other computer stuff.
attitude toward intellectual property has experienced a remarkable
revolution since Doug was a young inventor.  spike


Dave, thanks for bringing back fond memories of that party at Doug's house.
I just checked my notes; it happened on 11 December 1999.  There were about
a couple dozen geeks at Doug's house and he wasn't even there.  Everybody
standing around talking technerdery, the guy had about a jillion dollars'
worth of paintings on the wall, and no one I could find even knew who was
hosting the party.  It was BYOB.  All these expensive bottles of wine on the
table and almost no one was drinking much of anything.  Whoever opened the
door had evidently left already, and no one actually knew who had organized
the event.  It was an early example of what would later be refined into the
concept of a flash mob.  


When Doug finally did show up at about 10 pm, he talked for a while with my
wife and me, then went on off to bed, with a couple dozen geeks still in his
own home!  No one in charge, no apparent host or center of attention, just a
bunch of technology fans.  Now THAT is an example of spontaneous order from





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