[ExI] Warren Buffett is worried too and thinks Republicans are "asinine"

Mirco Romanato painlord2k at libero.it
Fri Oct 25 12:46:09 UTC 2013

Il 25/10/2013 01:16, spike ha scritto:

Spike, are the US reintroducing slavery and bonded serfdom?
And the other western countries as well I would say.

John Clarke position that governments must pay their expenditures,
whatever they be, no matter the cost, it is very intriguing.

First, because the idea is to saddle with the debt the future
generations, if they will be  born at all. Because the current young are
the future generation of the same people starting the debt explosion and
enjoying the wealth transfer from the future.
Now, the young are forced to pay for the elder, enticed or forced in
debt slavery in many different ways.

The people with a mortgage are in debt slavery because their home market
value is way lower than their debt with the bank.
The younger tricked to go to college with cheap loans for cheap degree
end with a lot of debt and not useful skill and are unable to form a
family and buy an home, if they are not forced to return to the home of
their parents.
The people without debts with the banks are forced to pay a tax on their
house, so they can be forced in debt with the local government (and if I
remember correctly, they can withhold your passport and prevent you from
leaving the US if you have any unpaid tax).
Then the US government affirm its right to a cut of the income of any US
citizen living abroad and any one renouncing citizenship for 10 years.

Just to pay for the stuff bough from your grandfathers, fathers and all
the politicks in Washington and at the local level when you and your
children were not born and surely not voted for it.


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