[ExI] Will head transplants be the new life extension method?

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 07:58:45 UTC 2014

If the headline of an article is a question, to which the answer is "no",
the article is neither worth publishing nor reading.

Where would the transplanted body come from?  Either you're growing it from
the head's cells (in which case it's not a "transplant" as commonly defined
- redefining words to make a story seem more attractive/controversial/worth
reading than it is, is basically lying - and keeping the head on life
support while growing the body from it is likely to produce better
results), or you're using someone else's body (in which case there are
organ rejection issues, not to mention the supply of headless bodies which
do not essentially boil down to murders is likely to remain far smaller
than the demand).
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