[ExI] India and China signed a high speed train deal.

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 21:06:00 UTC 2014

Next Big Future has a post about India high speed rail.

The India and China deal includes:
* Increasing speed on existing lines: Chennai-Bangalore-Mysore section
has been identified for increasing speed to 160 kph with cooperation
from China.

China seems to be cornering the world market on high speed rail.

But what boggles my mind is the films I've seen showing the India
railway system.
Their trains have people hanging out the doors and windows and riding
on the carriage roof.
The stations are swarming with people walking backwards and forwards
across the lines.
Animals wander across the country lines. It's all chaos.

Putting a high speed train in the middle of all that would be exciting.

Although I do like the image of people desperately hanging on to the
roof of 100 mph trains.  :)


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