[ExI] Religious Idiocy Triumphs Over Science Yet Again

Ben bbenzai at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 7 19:14:36 UTC 2015

Tara Maya <tara at taramayastales.com> wrote:

"In all seriousness, quite true. I have about 3% Native American DNA, 
but unfortunately, the test I took doesn't give me any more refinement 
than that. I would love to know what tribe, as that would give me some 
clue when it entered the tree. No one of the generation/s when it must 
of occurred would own up it in the historical record. So, somebody was 
passing as something other than Native American back in the day. I sure 
would like to know who!  I wonder what they would think if they knew 
that to their descendants it would be a source of pride not shame? And 
what a pity they felt they had to lie or hide"

Um, yeah, that's not the only way (or even the most likely way) it could 
happen, Tara. Think  about it (or ask Spike).

Ben Zaiboc

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