[ExI] A paranormal prediction for the next year

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 16:49:23 UTC 2015

On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 1:11 AM, Giulio Prisco <giulio at gmail.com> wrote:

​> ​
> I agree with your prediction,

I further predict
​ ​
a research paper
​ ​
​ ​
positive psi results
​ ​
WILL appear on a weekly basis in nearly every supermarket tabloid in the
country, along with horoscopes, evidence of ancient aliens and flying
saucers, predictions of Nostradamus, and most important of all diet tips
from soap opera stars.
​ ​
I further predict that despite this positive buzz at the checkout lane not
one entrepreneur will start a billion dollar ps
startup company in Silicon Valley.

​> ​
> because if a research paper with
> ​ ​
> positive psi results is submitted to Nature or Science it won't be
> ​ ​
> published, regardless of the quality of the research. Such is the
> ​ ​
> power of political correctness and enforced consensus.

​That is the same lame excuse I've heard countless times in past years, and
that is the same lame excuse I have no doubt I will hear next year, and the
year after that, and the year after that, and the year after that, and the
[...]. At some point a logical person has to ask himself if maybe just
maybe the desire for something to be true (and there is no denying psi
would be fun) has deluded yourself into believing it is true.

Look, over the last century respectable scientific journals have published
experimental results in fundamental physics that nobody predicted and
nobody has a explanation for to this day, like the violation of Bell's
inequality, the singularity at the center of a Black Hole, neutrino mass
and oscillation, the existence of Dark Matter and Dark Energy and the fact
that we are completely ignorant about 96% of the stuff in the universe. The
journals were delighted to publish all that because the existence of those
things was overwhelming and if nobody could explain how it could be
​ that way then tough.
 But you say that for some strange reason psy is different from any of
those mysteries, you claim that even though the evidence for the existence
of psi is rock solid not one respectable scientific journal will publish
this extremely interesting fact about the physical universe because it's
not politically correct. And you claim this worldwide conspiracy of silence
that science has engaged in has been going on for centuries and will
continue into the indefinite future. I think that claim is bullshit.

 John K Clark
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