[ExI] [Bulk] Re: sign along spokane river

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Nov 28 04:10:32 UTC 2015

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf
Of BillK
>...That works only as an Android app. When travelling in a foreign country
tourists use it all the time.  With a laptop, I used online OCR software to
read the text in the image then feed that into Google translate.
It is written in Russian...

Oy, I am sooo not hip.

>...From Wikipedia:
People from countries in the former Soviet Union (especially Russians and
Ukrainians) form a comparatively large demographic in Spokane and Spokane
County, the result of a large influx of immigrants and their families after
the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. According to the 2000 Census, the
number of people of Russian or Ukrainian ancestry in Spokane County was
reported to be 7,700 (4,900 residing in the city of Spokane), amounting to
two percent of the county.
(And many must go fishing!)...

Spokane is a nice town.  I would consider a summer home there.  Real estate
is practically free (compared to where I live now.)

Special fishing regulations in force

>...NO bait (including worms, marshmallows or marshmallow, Power Bait, corn,

Thanks.  I gave up fishing a long time ago and it stayed given up.  Too
boring for the astonishing times in which we are so fortunate to live.
BillK this week we had the season of Thanksgiving over on this side of the
Big A.  For me it was easy; I have many things for which to be very
thankful.  spike

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