[ExI] software versus human rights?

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 21:18:51 UTC 2018

On Sun, Jul 8, 2018 at 1:04 PM,  <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:
> Another way to look at it: the constabulary hangs around the gangy
> neighborhoods where the crime is happening, apprehends, convicts and
> incarcerates the bad element, leaving the good element to enjoy differential
> reproduction, resulting in a safer better neighborhood.

Part of the complaint is that they don't target just the bad element.
People get convicted and incarcerated wherever the constabulary hangs
out, and a significant fraction of said people are in fact innocent.

Also, the methods the constabulary employs allegedly prevent many of
those around them who are not arrested from becoming (and raising) the
good element.  See for example: complaints about black people being
shot for following officers' instructions.  ("You told him to reach
for his wallet, then when he did so you yelled about him reaching for
a gun.  You did all this with gun drawn and pointed at him, so it took
only a moment's panic to squeeze the trigger.  Having weapon drawn,
let alone pointed at the detainee, for an ordinary traffic stop is in
blatant violation of police procedure, but you did it anyway with no
consequence to you - making the official procedure irrelevant - until
the day you fired, and it appears as if you only did it to black
people you pulled over.")

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