[ExI] young people having less sex

SR Ballard sen.otaku at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 08:55:00 UTC 2018

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 27, 2018, at 10:30 PM, Rafal Smigrodzki <rafal.smigrodzki at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 3:35 AM SR Ballard <sen.otaku at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also, there are confounding variables here as well. You know the group of women most likely to remain virgins until marriage? Religious women. You know the group most likely to find divorce socially unacceptable despite it being legal? Religious women. You know who are trained to believe that they are the property of their husbands and should submit to abuse? Religious women.
> ### Well, yes, being Old Order Amish increases your likelihood of familial bliss. But that doesn't invalidate the statistics and does not change the advice. If you want to have an outcome, be one of the people who are most likely to have that outcome. For example, if you can curb your libido, and intentionally marry a woman with low libido, religious or not, you will most likely not be cheated on and will remain married, if somewhat tepidly.
> I need to object to the characterization of religious women as being trained to submit to abuse. Major religions exhort not only for women to obey their husbands but also for men to respect their women. To go back to the Amish, their women are on average happier than mainstream Americans, even without running water in the home, and that's not because they are submitting to abuse. They are not property, being closer to wards rather than chattels. If you want to point out abuse in religious societies, you have to go outside the Western world and mention for example Hindu and Muslim women. Who, surprisingly, also tend to be happier than many groups of Western women, once you correct for differences in average incomes.

I have to confess that I wasn’t being specific enough when I was speaking of religious women. I mean women in apocalyptic snake handling churches, and other related types of IFB and Charismatic Churches. I don’t know any Amish people personally and so couldn’t comment. Clearly Muslim women would be included in “religious” women, as would Hindu women. 

You can say all you like about what religions claim to preach, however the reality is different. By way of example: LDS (Mormon) men and women are expected to keep chaste until marriage. However the greater emphasis is put on women not to tempt men. A woman cannot exist in ‘best heaven’ unless her husband invites her up to it. Women can almost never exert authority over any male over age 12. Women cannot go into a Church building without a man present. Women cannot have a “women only” meeting without a man present. Women cannot have the priesthood but must beg men to use it on their behalf. Divorce is a sin, which stains a man much more than a woman and is basically usually her fault. Sure they say, “a man should love his wife as Christ loves the church” but will tell a woman to just love a man more if he beats her, and blame her for it. 

And Mormons score higher in general happiness than average, so that must have nothing to do with it?

I believe it’s correlation. More religious tends to mean larger families, and socialization, and larger social circles, which are also correlated with happiness. I imagine it is the more important factor than religiosity in happiness. 

>> Or, you know, you could take yourselves to the clinic before having sex? It’s not as if she’d be embarrassed. 
>> Do you know any former prostitutes?
> ### I used to. Haven't kept up with them lately. 
I have known one my whole life and currently live with her. She is my mother’s half-sister. 
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