[ExI] First Picture of a Black Hole!

Stuart LaForge avant at sollegro.com
Sun Apr 14 01:30:19 UTC 2019

John Clark wrote:

> It's interesting that because the density of a Black Hole is inversely
> proportional to the square of the mass the density of M87's Black Hole is
> about that of air.

Yes. It was considerations like this that motivated my research into  
what I called causal cells a couple of years ago. I was on the right  
track but then I found out that Leonard Susskind already described the  
same concept only he called them "causal patches" instead of causal  

In any case, what you describe is a direct consequence of the density  
and surface area of a black hole or causal cell being inversely  
proportional i.e. their products are a constant:

D*A = 3c^2/(2G)

> Well it is if you count the Event Horizon as being the boundary of the thing;

Why wouldn't you count it? To an outside observer, it is certainly is  
the boundary. And no infalling observer will ever be able to disagree  
with you because the moment he crosses it, (which must be from his  
point of view) he no longer has the ability to cause events in our  
causal cell. But from our point of view, he never crosses it. It is a  
separate discontinuous space-time a different casual cell, with the  
event horizon as a real boundary.

> Einstein says there is a point of infinite density
> at the center although Quantum Mechanics disagrees. Nobody knows who's
> right.

Probably quantum mechanics. My argument is mathematical and goes as follows:

Dividing a finite mass by zero volume is not an infinite density, it  
is a mathematically UNDEFINED density. In other words mass/zero  does  
not equal infinity because infinity*zero cannot equal every possible  
mass a black hole can have. If a singularity actually exists in the  
center of a black hole, it should be thought of as a point that is  
missing from the interior space of the black hole rather than a point  
that contains all the mass.

The mass is instead the vacuum energy of the inside of the black hole  
and is spread evenly throughout its interior the way dark energy is  
spread throughout our space-time.

This is because time and space axes get swapped when you cross an  
event horizon so they represent real discontinuities in space-time.  
The two causal cell separated by event horizons (or cosmological  
horizons) are causally independent space-times and times and places  
are exchanged when you cross them.

Thus those outside of the black hole conceive of as a location (a  
point at the center) while those inside would perceive it as a time in  
the future, e.g. next Tuesday. And it doesn't make sense for next  
Tuesday to have a mass at all. Even though empty space can in the form  
of vacuum or dark energy.

Stuart LaForge

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