[ExI] I see pitchforks.

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 18:39:27 UTC 2019

Access to capital and markets - in short, to tools that have proven very
useful at sustaining and increasing their wealth.

That's the main reason all those "but the rich will flee to elsewhere"
arguments against any tax hike fall flat: even with the proposed extra
measures, the rich can make more money here than anywhere else, and they
know it.  Their greed is what keeps them here.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 11:11 AM William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com>

> What do the superrich need with a US. citizenship?  bill w
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 12:19 PM Dylan Distasio <interzone at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Personal tax requirements are much stricter in the US.  You have to
>> relinquish your US citizenship to stop paying US taxes regardless of where
>> you live.  It is one of the most oppressive tax policies compared to other
>> countries' citizens living abroad.
>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 1:06 PM William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> What about the rich simply moving to another country?  Multinationals
>>> make money overseas that isn't taxed here, right?  So what is stopping
>>> them?  billw
>>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 10:43 AM <spike at rainier66.com> wrote:
>>>> *From:* extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> *On
>>>> Behalf Of *John Clark
>>>> *>> **Once that number is set to a billion dollars in assets, we
>>>> recall that currency value is arbitrary. *
>>>> >…Yes that number is arbitrary, we might decide to set it at half a
>>>> billion or maybe 2 billion, but the point is we need a wealth tax. Or do
>>>> you think this acceleration of the wealth gap can continue forever without
>>>> a hiccup?
>>>> Ja, in a sense.  If there is a hiccup, it isn’t one we would notice.
>>>> The super-wealthy gather in their places (Palo Alto is an example) and
>>>> compete against each other.  Meanwhile the rest of us go about our business
>>>> the usual way.  Neither the super-wealthy nor the proletariat know much or
>>>> care all that much about what the other side is doing.  I don’t obsess
>>>> about it.  I know the people in Palo Alto have more money than they know
>>>> what to do with, but my only involvement with them is driving thru to
>>>> donate to the blood bank or visit the marvelous Stanford book store.
>>>> >…Come on Spike, do you really think that is an inescapable objection
>>>> to the idea of a wealth tax? Just adjust the point where the tax kicks in
>>>> with the inflation rate…
>>>> The way they did with the income tax?
>>>> >…Some people will always try to cheat on their taxes, even today some
>>>> people do exactly what you describe above and sometimes they get away with
>>>> it, but usually they don't and end up in jail… John K Clark
>>>> Sure but with the wealth tax, they wouldn’t need jails.  They would
>>>> only need a place to pile the ashes.
>>>> John, the whole notion is embracing murderous totalitarianism in order
>>>> to stop all the unreasonable optimism and unfairness of wealth disparity.
>>>> I’ll taaaaake… optimism and disparity for 500 please Alex.
>>>> Besides that, I would argue that the optimism isn’t necessarily
>>>> unreasonable.  I have so many great ideas, sooner or later one of them will
>>>> make buttloads of money.
>>>> spike
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