[ExI] The German oddity

Stathis Papaioannou stathisp at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 20:59:46 UTC 2020

On Sat, 4 Apr 2020 at 23:53, John Clark via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Germany has over 90,000 people infected with COVID-19, only the US, Italy
> and Spain have more, but for some reason the deaths from it is remarkably
> low there, only 1.3%; in comparison the death rate in Italy is 12%, in
> Spain it's 10%, in the US it's 2.5%. Part of the reason may be Germany's
> aggressive use of testing and their excellent health care system, they tend
> to hospitalize people who test positive for the virus even if their
> symptoms are mild because they have built lots of intensive care beds for
> them and they know their condition can change for the worse very rapidly
> and their chances of survival are much better if they're in a hospital when
> that happens. The death rate in the US will certainly increase when doctors
> start rationing ventilators and are forced to decide who should live and
> who should die, and that will probably begin in the next week.

It’s a mystery as to why death rates are so different in different
countries. Australia had 5548 cases and 30 deaths as of 4th April. There is
widespread testing, about 100,000 people, but only sick people are

> --
Stathis Papaioannou
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