[ExI] Existing as stored data

The Avantguardian avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 20 16:39:45 UTC 2020

Ben Zaiboc wrote:

"OK, but that doesn't answer my question. How does it happen? What is the mechanism, what is the medium? Where is the information stored?"

I can't speak for Seventh Day Adventists, but according to string theory, the answers would be:

1. The holographic principle theorizes that all the information about everything that has ever happened within our causal patch of the universe is forever mirrored in two dimensions on the surface of the cosmic horizon.

2. The mechanism is anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence.

3. The medium is light or more properly electromagnetic radiation.

4. The information is stored on the event horizon.

Watch some of Leonard Susskind's lectures on the topic for more details.

Whether that information is accessible to any being(s) with the will and technological wherewithal to resurrect, recreate, or simulate any being(s) from within the causal patch is unknown.

Stuart LaForge

On 19/04/2020 19:46, Guilio Prisco wrote:

> Just happens *physically*
> On 2020. Apr 19., Sun at 14:05, Ben Zaiboc via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> On 19/04/2020 00:53, Spike wrote:
>>> Second thing in SDA: that religion holds that when a person perishes, 
>>> they are on hold, no conscious existence in any form.  They exist as 
>>> stored data until they are re-assembled at a later time.
>> I'm curious, Spike: Where or in what form what do they think this stored 
>> data is? I'm presuming this is not thought to require any particular 
>> actions on behalf of the person in question (apart, possibly, from 
>> membership of the SDA), but just happens magically?

OK, but that doesn't answer my question. How does it happen? What is the mechanism, what is the medium? Where is the information stored?
If the answer is "We don't know", "We don't know", "We don't know", and "We don't know, but we think it's true anyway", I'd call that magical thinking.

Ben Zaiboc

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