[ExI] spike-ism, was: RE: A potential COVID-19 vaccine

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Mon Apr 27 21:16:19 UTC 2020



> On Behalf Of William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat

Subject: Re: [ExI] A potential COVID-19 vaccine


>>…In the religion I invented, it is the opposite: you get points for disbelieving.  When I explain it to people, some say, oh that is silly.  Of course that promotes them to higher status in the religion that values skepticism rather than faith.  spike


>…But wait a minute here.  If presented with a belief, I deny it, getting points.  But then couldn't I deny my own denial, paradoxically believing in the presented belief, which you then have to deny again to maintain consistency, and then deny that...


>…That reads like a positive feedback cycle to me.  Your religion is based on a premise of not creating positive feedback loops and your own religion creates them, so in essence the religion is denying itself.  Or.....?


>…bill w





BillW, I nominate you as the second pope of spike-ism.  I am the first of course.


Since spike-ism is based on eliminating positive feedback loops.  You demonstrated that this leads to a positive feedback loop: the religion based on skepticism refutes itself, thus reinforcing itself.


Kurt Gödel would be so proud of you sir.
















On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 2:50 PM spike jones via extropy-chat <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org <mailto:extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> > wrote:



>>…In traditional religions, belief in that religion is a virtue: saved by faith, which is you get points for believing.  In the religion I invented, it is the opposite: you get points for disbelieving.  When I explain it to people, some say, oh that is silly.  Of course that promotes them to higher status in the religion that values skepticism rather than faith…spike

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