[ExI] The Expanse is science fiction like television has never seen

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 12 20:05:38 UTC 2020

I have not gotten the view from the books that it is dystopian at all.
There's plenty of bad guys, of course, but opening to a completely new
universe, almost none of it explored as of the last book, is hardly a
downer.  My complaint is that the books are coming too slowly.  One of the
writers, BTW, is an associate of George R R Martin  James Corey is two
people just in case you did not know. (or have I inadvertently done a
spoiler here?)  bill w

On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 1:31 PM Stuart LaForge via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Quoting extropy-chat-request at lists.extropy.org:
> > "What I love about this show is that it's ?realistic? science fiction.
> > There's no faster-than-light travel, no crazy artificial gravity or dopey
> > aliens. It's just people like us, in an actually possible world.
> Honestly,
> > it's great. So I was excited to get a chance to talk to the
> > showrunner of *The
> > Expanse*, Naren Shankar?who, I have to mention, has a PhD in applied
> > physics."
> >
> > Any big Expanse fans on the list?  :  )
> Does binge watching 3 seasons of the show in a week and then waiting
> expectantly for season 4 count? I am a pretty big fan of the show
> actually. The realism and attention to detail on the show is amazing
> and somewhat humbling. (Like when the protagonists almost die while
> strapped to their chairs because one of them failed to lock up their
> tools before the pilot started performing evasive maneuvers in zero G.)
> And while the show still paints a dystopian view of the future, it is
> a tolerable and sustainable dystopia, thanks to the fusion power which
> drives their rockets and gives people with sufficient resources the
> ability to choose between three distinct governments and cultures to
> live under: the United Nations, the Constitutional Republic of Mars,
> or the Outer Planets Alliance.
> The show is like if the love child of Arthur C. Clarke and Tom Clancy
> wrote space opera.
> Stuart LaForge
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