[ExI] antifa derangement syndrome

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Jun 12 22:05:12 UTC 2020



From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2020 1:14 PM
To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
Cc: Dan TheBookMan <danust2012 at gmail.com>
Subject: [ExI] antifa derangement syndrome


Which is related to Saul Alinsky derangement syndrome...


This story from nearby shows what happens when some people start to see antifa behind every tree and bush. There's a lack of common sense here that was noticed before. Recall the murder of Balbir Singh Sodhi back in 2001. Sodhi was shot to death by Frank Silva Roque.







Hi Dan, thanks for posting this.  My father in law has lived in Spokane for the last 47 years and is acquainted personally with this family in the article.  I heard about that incident from him.  That poor family is terrorized and my father in law is convinced the apocalypse is upon us.  {8^D  They have a home-brew camper made from a retired school bus, which they painted but it is still ugly.


Turns out, a friend of my brother in law from Olympia gave us a pretty good description of what happened in Forks.  They cut down the trees to block them in, tense moments ensued, but they talked and listened, realized they blew it bigtime.  Some locals got their chainsaws, cut up and removed the trees that they had dropped across the road, tried their best to patch it up but I there is a good chance that family will vacation to the east rather than to the west.  They are forgiving sorts, but they were traumatized.


Fun aside: I have been to that area, camping (it is gorgeous out there (but oh boy, if you want to see backward, you haven’t seen it until you out there on the Olympic Pen (if you ever saw the movie Rambo, that back there is where the sergeant gets into it with the local police force.)))


What if… you lived in that Seattle neighborhood surrounding the CHAZ, and you owned a business.  What would it be like, knowing all those people in there are getting steadily hungrier?  That must be most unpleasant.


If you want a beautiful place to camp, the Olympic National Park is hard to beat.



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