[ExI] rule

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 20:38:13 UTC 2020

Here's what you can get from authoritarian rule (from The Secret of Our
Success) - data gathered 1971 in New Guinea:

1 - All villages must sing, dance, and play flutes for their pigs.  This
ritual causes the pigs to grow faster and bigger.  At feasts,the pigs
should be fed first from the oven.  People second.

2  - Pigs should not be killed for breaking into another's garden.  The
owner must assist the owner of the garden in repairing the fence.

3 - sending pigs to other villages is taboo, except for the official
festival feast.

4 - women should take better care of the pigs and feed them more food.  To
find extra time for this, women should spend less time gossiping.

5 - men must plant more sweet potatoes for the women to feed to the pigs
and not depart for wage labor in distant towns until the pigs have grown to
a certain size.

bill w
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