[ExI] southern data

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sat Sep 26 16:38:04 UTC 2020

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat

> _______________________________________________

>...Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore. There were wars and stuff and it split up into separate countries.
Traffic in European cities is a big problem. I wouldn't be surprised if Google cars didn't like being stuck in traffic jams with only camera views of lorries and buses. They probably prefer to drive around on Sunday mornings when you can actually get views of the streets...BillK


Oy vey, so right you are BillK.

Might try my Google street view experiment again, see if I can find some touring bikes or crotch rockets ripping up the roads somewhere near Budapest.

Perhaps I should try Germany instead?  I know Italy has bikes, ooooooh boy do they have bikes there, sexy bitches those things are, oh my.  I don't know how the Italians do it: they build things that look fast just sitting there.  Italy doesn't even build anything ugly.  I think it is they have a tradition of doing cool art stuff.  That bigshot, Michael somebody, Angelo?  I think he was Italian.

In any case... Italians make gorgeous bikes and cars, and I heard they painted up the ceiling in one of their churches really nice with angels and that kinda crap.


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