[ExI] extropy-chat Digest, Vol 208, Issue 46

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Sat Jan 23 09:20:50 UTC 2021

On 22/01/2021 19:20, John K Clark wrote:
> Assuming this makes it through the moderation and approval process 
> that I must undergo this will be my last post to the Extropian List, 
> my first was on September 29 1993. I will unsubscribe after this, it 
> will be the first time in 28 years I have not been a member. It pains 
> me to do this but even though He Who Must Not Be Named is no longer 
> president I'm still under moderation and there is just no point in 
> cluttering up my mailbox with posts that I can't respond to without a 
> lot of red tape, besides the list has change so much in the last 4 
> years from being a bunch of logic loving free market libertarians 
> (small l) that it once was I hardly recognize it anymore. Thanks 
> everybody for decades of great discussions. Goodbye.
>  John K Clark

I know he's not  going to read this, but nobody else has said anything, 
so I'm saying it:

Very sorry to hear that, we are worse off overall without him. I know 
he's tended to go off the rails a bit in the last year or so, but who 
doesn't now and then, and that hardly outweighs the positive 
contributions he's made to this list over the last twenty seven years.

Ben Zaiboc

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