[ExI] SF books taught in college classes

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Thu Mar 4 19:35:42 UTC 2021

-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of Dan 
> If that works, we could make a second attractive robot which is male but is dressed in female attire.  Call him Click in Drag.
> spike

>...I notice with both your examples, you’re presuming no one would be attracted to the male robot dressed as a conventional man. In other words, you seem mired to a man-centered view of attraction. (I reckon this goes along with the view many seem to hold that women don’t watch porn, including gay male porn.)



Dan why is that?  I have never understood it at all: why is there that asymmetry?  I get it: we men are simple beasts.  We really are: women have no trouble figuring us out.  We are so easy to turn on.  Any time you hear any man say 'my wife doesn't understand me' we know trying to hit on the attractive woman he is saying it to.  He is lying.  But If he says 'I don't understand my wife' we know he is telling the truth.  Reason: our emotional software is simple.  Theirs is complicated.  We aren't emotionally smart enough is the real problem.  Even we emotionally simple men get it.

Regarding the visual attraction to men vs women: oh that one is so easy.  Just go into any porno shop and open your eyes.  Or any porno rack at the liquor store.  What few magazines they bother carrying are aimed at men.  There really is an asymmetry there.  The discipline of marketing gets it, for in marketing, being fair and inclusive doesn't matter.  Selling the product matters.

Even if I didn't know about that, I can still only write from the perspective of straight male.  I empathize with others as best I can, I can be fair, I can be inclusive, but at some point it is OK to just admit I can't really see the world from the perspective of any other orientation or gender.  Eh, that's the way I am.  At some point, I just hafta accept me and move on. 


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