[ExI] music survey

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 17:20:31 UTC 2022

Thanks Nuela  Brutality doesn't bother me.  One can't get any more brutal
than Stravinsky's Rite of Spring.   bill w

On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 10:29 PM Nuala Thomson via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Well if it's lack of repetition you're after, let me introduce to djent,
> or math metal:
> Artist: Meshuggah
> Yes they have repetitive riffs but try and count the beats ;) I'm sure if
> you can get past the brutality you'll enjoy it.
> https://youtu.be/a1zFJKPOnXg
> Artist: Tesseract
> Fair bit of jazz influence and vocals may or may not be more to your
> liking.
> https://youtu.be/get0cXOsSXg
> Artist: Animals as Leaders
> Purely instrumental. This is the song that got them as famous as they will
> probably ever get. There are some repetitive sections but they lead
> somewhere.
> https://youtu.be/q0ZrF7taMHA
> Artist: The Ocean
> I'm going to send 2 because my favourite song is highly repetitive and
> that wasn't my point here. I think it just needs sharing.
> https://youtu.be/EaeFVhENrb8
> Title of the album: Precambrian
> The titles of the songs go by layers of the ocean.
> This is the album: https://youtu.be/5TISfxNI_yM
> In my opinion it's a master piece. The first few songs are aggressive,
> tumultuous, violent, as is the surface of the ocean. The deeper you go the
> calmer it gets.
> If you wish I also recommend Russian Circles. They're also instrumental,
> less math more beauty. Highly repetitive but it always builds to something.
> And Metallica's Call of Cthulu is beautiful. But I'm biased towards
> ANYTHING Lovecraftian.
> As for sub genres, I get a huge laugh that Christian Deathcore exists.
> On Mon., Jan. 17, 2022, 12:53 Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat, <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> On Jan 16, 2022, at 3:29 PM, William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat <
>> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
>> I knew that there were a lot of genres.  To my extremely limited musical
>> taste, there's classical and there's 'other', which I called pop.
>> That’s fine if idiosyncratic. I mean it puts you at odds with ordinary
>> usage, and it does lead to confusion. I would’ve made very different
>> choices if I knew you simply meant ‘non-classical.’ For instance, I
>> probably would’ve listed Polyphia and other recent ‘progressive’ or
>> instrumental rock bands.
>> (Non-classical is also a problematic term. Are Johann Strauss II waltzes
>> classical or popular? I would classify them in the latter category, but
>> perhaps they fit into both. This is kind of like high/low distinction in
>> art generally, where there are plenty of artists that span the distinction,
>> such as Shakespeare. SF (and just any ‘genre’ fiction) is almost almost
>> classified as low art by critics and theorists and ignored. This has
>> changed a little recently, though I still run into people under my age who
>> presume SF, horror, mystery, etc. are not or can’t be serious art. And
>> often the exceptions are reclassified as not genre writers. So, if someone
>> like Cormack McCarthy writes a Western (which is like almost all of his
>> work), they’re not seen as Westerns, but as literary fiction. In SF, Kurt
>> Vonnegut gets welcomed by the literary establishment, but I bet it’ll be a
>> few decades before the current crop of sophisticated SF writers are.
>> Reminds me of how the Nobel was looked down upon because epic poetry was
>> the obvious form of high art in narrative literature.)
>> Katy Perry - one of the funniest things I ever saw:  one costume featured
>> large lollipops affixed to her breasts.
>> I wonder if part of her act is a sendup.  A satire.
>> Jazz - I heard Dave Brubeck Quartet in concert in Hyannis Port in 1962.
>> It turned out that Brubeck's is the only jazz I like (he was
>> classically trained by Milhaud and wrote classical music).  I  do like some
>> pre-1950 jazz.
>> Many jazz artists are classically trained, even after Brubeck. Keith
>> Jarrett, Chick Corea, Jan Garbarek, Wynton Marsalis, and Herbie Hancock all
>> started with classical training. I wouldn’t make classical training the
>> disideratum of playing great jazz, but, if that’s what you’re looking for,
>> there’s them. ;)
>> I did say no review, but I was lying.  In Dan's post he mentioned
>> Sandstorm, so I heard it on Youtube.  Extremely annoying.  Also Astronomia
>> - not as annoying but plenty annoying.
>> Dance music, in general, tends to be like that. The Strauss waltzes come
>> to mind and a lot of classical ballet music.
>> By the way, I mentioned those two pieces to make a point. I wasn’t
>> offering them as my favorites. Similarly for Katy Perry. I believe most
>> people would agree Perry is pop and Darude and Tony Ivy are not pop — even
>> though all three are ‘popular.’
>> Is there a genre where nearly total repetitiveness is not present?  The
>> songs varied only in the voice part - the background was totally
>> repetitive.  I wonder at the musicians who play it.  I would be absolutely
>> bored out of my mind, if anything was left of it after doing it for a few
>> years.  More later.   bill w
>> Kind of strange that your taste in poetry — well, based on that poem you
>> shared here a few days ago — seems to be for sing songy (in other words,
>> ‘nearly total repetitiveness’ in the meter) work. ;)
>> Regards,
>> Dan
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