[ExI] Truth has a liberal bias [elon on twitter]

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 20:10:12 UTC 2022

Yes, it is.  Should have been posted on the other list   bill w

On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 2:03 PM Gadersd via extropy-chat <
extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:

> Perhaps I’m mistaken, but isn’t political discussion banned on this email
> list?
> On Nov 3, 2022, at 2:44 PM, Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> On Nov 3, 2022, at 9:23 AM, spike jones via extropy-chat <
> extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of
> Dan TheBookMan via extropy-chat
> ... I recall years ago with the Boston marathon attacks how a now as we
> know unrelated explosion was initially thought to be part of it. And a
> libertarian friend of mine, who was an Alex Jones listener, told me the
> media are covering up something that the Tsarnaev brothers were fall guys
> for a federal false flag (of course! It’s always a false flag with the
> Jones crowd). ...
> Dan
> _______________________________________________
> Eh, the ALEX Jones crowd please Dan.  Do let us specify, when using such a
> common name.  {8^D
> Ja otherwise however.  The FBI surely didn't do itself any favors in the
> past several years.  They have been caught in at least six huge scandals,
> that are completely verified, and all are objective yes/no on whether they
> are real conspiracies which were once thought to be conspiracy "theories."
> 1.  The FBI covered up the Biden laptop before the 2020 election, caught
> the guy who did it, no punishment.
> 2.  They falsified evidence to get a FISA warrant, caught and convicted
> the perp (Kevin Clinesmith) who never went to prison.
> 3.  They leaked to the press, caught the guy (FBI Director McCabe) proved
> that he lied to the FBI.  He never went to prison.
> 4.  They haven't explained to us why Ray Epps is not in prison, even
> though he is on video committing crimes (inciting riots and crossing police
> lines.)
> 5.  The FBI lovers Strzok and Page conspiracy to undermine a sitting POTUS.
> 6.  FBI director Comey's role and others, in failure to brief POTUS on
> Operation Crossfire Hurricane.
> Are not all of those confirmed conspiracy theories?
> I don’t deny conspiracies in general, though the particular person I
> mentioned was an Alex Jones listener. Note how you switched that to ‘Alex
> Jones crowd’ dismissively. Do you believe the Boston marathon bombing was a
> false flag? How about Sandy Hook? How about George Soros: do you believe he
> was a Nazi collaborator? Or do you think that there’s any credibility to
> the view that Obama is a Muslim? That’s all stuff on Alex Jones’ show and
> my friend if he doesn’t believe it tells me one must have an open mind.
> (Notably, he doesn’t keep an open mind about anti-GOP conspiracies, such as
> Trump might be a Russian agent or Putin might be blackmailing Trump with
> videos of Trump being peed on by hookers. And none of those get traction
> with Alex Jones anyhow. There’s a definite Rightward tilt to what whacky
> conspiracy is viewed as credible.)
> Sure, conspiracy’s happen and the FBI is certain known for its various
> operations that should be viewed as a threat to freedom….
> You mention only one the ones generally have traction with conservatives
> and Republicans. (I know you claim to be a libertarian, but deviate toward
> conservative and Republican stuff. Or I’ve never seen you say, ‘the
> Democrats or liberals or progressive are definitely right about this while
> the Republicans (or conservatives or alt right) are ideology blind to it.’)
> How about many uses by the FBI of informants as agents provocateur,
> especially in Mosques after 9/11? How about the FBI spying on peace
> activists from the Vietnam Era to today?
> The FBI’s abuses are not recent. They extend back to its formation, in
> fact. But it’s kind of Right wing talking point that the FBI has been
> morally pure until recent years (either with Biden or with Obama). No
> mention of how removing the few safeguards against the FBI running amok —
> remember a certain Republican president doing so in the early 2000s — maybe
> wasn’t such a good idea.
> Side note: How many FBI directors have been Democrats? The only one I’m
> aware served a mere 71 days as acting director. The rest were all
> Republicans. Why is that? (This isn’t to blame the GOP. The Democratic
> Party has played second fiddle to the GOP on expanding federal police
> powers and abuses. The American police state is a bipartisan project. But,
> notably, the more Left a Democrat is, the less likely they’re to support
> this. Moderates like Biden, Clinton, and Obama helped to add to the police
> state, but folks AOC don’t. So it’s really an example of how far to the
> Right American mainstream politics are.)
> Regards,
> Dan
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