[ExI] subliminal perception and action

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Tue Nov 29 23:38:29 UTC 2022



From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of Max
More via extropy-chat


That's fun. I would be nice if there were a frequency that encouraged people
to think rationally.


In fact, combine both and you have people dancing while reevaluating their


Maybe we end up with interesting syncopation effects. 




It's been done Max.  a long time ago in film noir, in a title I have
long-since forgotten, a Bond-villain invents a deadly weapon with which he
intends to take over the world if the world leaders fail to meet his demands
(muwaaahahahaaa etc.)  However. the world had no time for him, for they were
preparing to commence general civilization-ending nuclear warfare.  


Being largely ignored enraged the mad scientist, who then decided to carry
out his threat, instilling global terror by unleashing his dreaded. Sex Ray.


Things went awry as the warring parties, struck by the Sex Ray, lost all
interest in murdering their enemies and began copulating wildly.  Hilarity
ensued.  The war failed to commence.  Doing that rather than firing nuclear
weapons is perhaps the very best definition of what it means to "think


Now, in all due full disclosure, it wasn't really science fiction as we
normally think of it, or even a world-peace message exactly, but rather it
was a raunchy porno film.  Might have been called World Piece.  Given that,
it was a lotta fun assuming one's attitude is correctly adjusted.  Hey, it
was the 70s, we were younger than we are now, we were so horny would laugh
at anything, aaaanything even remotely related to actual copulation.  Other
than that last part, we all changed. 





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