[ExI] self-riding bicycle test board

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Sun Oct 2 23:37:30 UTC 2022

>...> On Behalf Of BillK via extropy-chat


>...How about scrapping the drone idea?
Can't you map a route somehow?
30 seconds, turn. 30 seconds, turn ..... etc.?


Ja, well I just talked this over with my software guy.  We could just mount
the Arduino package on a bicycle, and ride around the neighborhood.  But it
turns out he is far more interested in developing a rocket control system
than he is in a ghost bicycle, so he wants to move to the Seeeduino and
reduce the package mass.  

Well OK.  The bicycle notion was my nocturnal dream, not his.  Besides that,
his goal makes more sense than a ghost bicycle anyway, and would be waaaay
easier and safer to test.  I don't know how fast a free-flight bicycle would
go down a 5% grade, but I suspect it would get kiting, and I haven't figured
out an emergency braking system.  Once I turn her loose, that bike would be
on her own.  Then it is good luck to us, please ghost bike don't cream some
hapless prole down there somewhere.


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