[ExI] teachers

Stuart LaForge avant at sollegro.com
Sun Aug 27 10:01:41 UTC 2023

On 2023-08-26 15:17, efc--- via extropy-chat wrote:
> Hello Stuart,
> Just a quick question from someone not very knowledgeable of cutting
> edge physics.
> You say that
>> If you believe that a copy of you can truly be you, then you can relax 
>> because you are already immortal. You don't need to copy yourself 
>> because there are already plenty of, if not infinite numbers of, you 
>> strewn about the multiverse.
> What I wonder is, are infinite numbers of you and multiverses supported 
> by proof or is it one of many interpretations of current theories?
> Best regards, Daniel

Hi Daniel,

It is not proven in a mathematical sense, but many worlds (MWI) is the 
only interpretation of quantum mechanics that is complete. All that you 
need for many worlds to be true is that the Schrodinger equation be 
true. The alternatives require extra stuff.

For example, collapse interpretations need an additional mechanism by 
which measurement can somehow cause a quantum particle that is spread 
out everywhere at once to suddenly be somewhere specific at faster than 
the speed of light. It requires consciousness to be a fundamental 
property of the universe in the sense that like the next level of 
videogame, nothing is rendered into reality until you look at it. 
Basically, if collapse interpretations are real, then we are very likely 
in a simulation run by some intelligent designer who is trying to save 
computational resources by not rendering anything into reality until a 
simulated person interacts with it.

Many worlds allows particles to always be everywhere at once because 
wherever the particle is, there is a separate you there to witness it 

The other alternative is the DeBroglie-Bohm pilot wave interpretation 
which require a second equation that describes how the wave function is 
a pilot wave that pushes a particle along its path to be true in 
addition to the Schrodinger wave equation which describes the wave 

So to summarize:
1. Copenhagen/collapse interpretations needs additional assumptions 
about the laws of physics requiring conscious observers in order to 
function properly. Trees do not fall in the woods or make noise unless 
you are there to appreciate it.
2. Debroglie-Bohm Pilot Wave: This interpretation requires additional 
"helper" equations to allow quantum mechanics to function by keeping 
track of hidden variables.
3. Superdeterminism: everything that happens including your own thoughts 
and decisions are unerringly following a script that has existed from 
moment of the big bang.

Or . . .

4. MWI: The Schrondinger wave equation is all you need and there is 
enough real estate out there to cover every possibility that the 
wavefunction entails.


Sean Carroll does an excellent job covering this in his various You Tube 
videos or his book "Something Deeply Hidden". I generally don't believe 
we live in a simulation and therefore prefer many worlds over conscious 
collapse theories, but every once in a while nature throws me a curve 
ball that makes me adjust my posterior probabilities like this: 

I hope that helped.

Best regards,
Stuart LaForge

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