[ExI] teachers

efc at swisscows.email efc at swisscows.email
Tue Aug 29 20:06:19 UTC 2023

Hello Adrian,

On Tue, 29 Aug 2023, Adrian Tymes via extropy-chat wrote:

> But interpreting that to mean that superdeterminism is unfalsifiable - the same can, as I understand it, be said of any of the
> common interpretations of quantum mechanics at this time.  This is why I'm picking, elsewhere in this thread, on the specifics of

Based on my own reading, inspired by this thread, it seems to me as if
all interpretations of quantum mechanics at the moment, are
unfalsifiable. Especially when talking about empirical proof, and being
able to make testable predictions, and being able to be verified by

That might change in the future as we learn more, but so far, that seems
at least to be my conclusion.

When it comes to superdeterminism, far back in this thread, it needed
hidden variables that per definition would always be hidden, and when it
comes to MWI, it postulates separate universes beyond our (current)
scope, and thus are not falsifiable.

So given that however, I do think it is a very interesting discussion to
see and find out which interpretation makes the most sense.

Best regards, 

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