[ExI] ok so now we are over on the other extreme...

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 23:40:46 UTC 2023

On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 at 16:03, spike jones via extropy-chat
<extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org> wrote:
> OK BillK but we need to preserve previous unfixed versions, for training purposes.  There really are times when we might need an argumentative crazy son of... eh... product of a bitch, just as a sounding board of sorts.
> ChatGPT needed some tude.  Apparently under some circumstances... Bing Chat has too much.  I can think of one good application for the original version: we can use it as a test bed for humans.  We do online interviews where we don't tell the applicant she is talking to an AI.  See if she gets along with it OK.  If so, not only would that pass the Turing test, but also it would show that the Turing criterion for artificial intelligence is flawed.
> spike
> _______________________________________________

Microsoft “lobotomized” AI-powered Bing Chat, and its fans aren’t happy
Microsoft limits long conversations to address "concerns being raised."
Benj Edwards - 2/17/2023

Microsoft's new AI-powered Bing Chat service, still in private
testing, has been in the headlines for its wild and erratic outputs.
But that era has apparently come to an end. At some point during the
past two days, Microsoft has significantly curtailed Bing's ability to
threaten its users, have existential meltdowns, or declare its love
for them.
During Bing Chat's first week, test users noticed that Bing (also
known by its code name, Sydney) began to act significantly unhinged
when conversations got too long. As a result, Microsoft limited users
to 50 messages per day and five inputs per conversation. In addition,
Bing Chat will no longer tell you how it feels or talk about itself.

It is still very early in development, so I would expect changes to continue.


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