[ExI] junk food diet

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Jun 2 03:30:48 UTC 2023




Something doesn't seem right about this story, but USAToday says it is true.
This guy ate only at McDonalds, claims he lost 58 pounds in 100 days:




Well then, OK.  I personally like the tasty repast served up at McDonalds,
but I never claimed the dreadful swill is health food.  I like donuts too,
but likewise, I don't even attempt to fool myself that it is nutritious. 


A number of years ago, McDonalds was sued by a teenager who claimed that
McDonalds made her fat.  This was all the fault of McDonalds, so they were
liable donchaknow.  That's when Ronald began offering salad on Happy McMenu,
which of course no one ever actually bought (for one does not go to
McDonalds for salad (nor to a donut shop.))  But Ronald offers it, and
McDonalds is not liable if their viands are so delectable that it renders
customers helpless to resist, resulting in the silly proles devouring too
much and growing into portly young diabetics with clogged arteries.  Well,
imagine that.  It isn't hard to do: these are well-known consequences of
eating too much McD's and scarfing too many donuts.  


Casting aside all caution and common sense, I devour the stuff anyway.  Just
in moderate quantities.


It has been long known that one can have a poor diet and still lose weight,
if the total calorie count is sufficiently low.


Humans are such a fun species, I do hope that AI doesn't cause our brutal



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