[ExI] Interstellar travel

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Wed Jun 7 18:11:31 UTC 2023

With the runup to the singularity (at least the AI part) underway, it
may be time to start thinking about visiting the galaxy.

I wrote about this back in 1990.  I don't think there have been any
new ideas since.  I think it is clear that full-capacity
nanotechnology will exist before anyone leaves the solar system.
(Accelerando explored this theme.)

You can go way sub-light speeds.  But given uploading and controlling
clock rate, a trip can be subjectively as short as you like.  On the
other hand, there is plenty of information capacity in the propulsion
laser system.  If you want to keep up with the news from home, you
can, but it is read-only.   Trying to make comments on the news when
you are a light year or two out is not going to work.

You can also use a TW scale laser to push vehicles to a substantial
fraction of light speed.  The problem is slowing down at the target
star.  Drexler worked out one method, Forward had another one.

Of course, all this assumes that we do not figure out FLT.  I suspect
that is not possible.


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