[ExI] tinnitus

Ben Zaiboc ben at zaiboc.net
Wed Jun 7 19:03:01 UTC 2023

On 07/06/2023 18:13, BillW wrote:
> If any of you have this pest, respond to me.  I have a way of getting 
> rid of some of it.

Hi, Bill

I avoid sending messages to gmail accounts as much as possible, so am 
responding on the list.

For me, not a great pest, but I do have it to a degree, and I seem to 
remember you saying you have it quite severely, but it doesn't bother 
you much.

I'd be interested in hearing how you 'get rid of some of it', or make it 
more tolerable, not just for myself, but it may help me to help others too.

If you're hesitant about posting a large amount of information to the 
list, you can reply to me directly instead of to the list, but I'm sure 
most people here wouldn't object to an attached document, even if it was 
many pages long, especially if it was as potentially useful as this 
seems to be.


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