[ExI] chatbots and marketing: was RE: India and the periodic table

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Jun 9 12:52:32 UTC 2023



From: extropy-chat <extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org> On Behalf Of William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] chatbots and marketing: was RE: India and the periodic table


Good answer!  Could you create your own bot that researches the area you are interested in that is much better than what the gpt can do?  If so, all literature research will be done by your bot, saving you oodles of time.  Then you can market it to other researchers in your area who don't want to take the time to create their own bot.  Eh?  Buttloads of money? Surely companies will spring up creating specialty bots for scientists.  Problems - getting irrelevant results, and failing to get relevant ones.  Billw




Ja that is exactly where I am going with your bicycle/jet analogy.  A jet can only get you approximately where you need to go.  The detail work is better done with the bicycle.


I am told ChatGPT is trained on about a trillion words (or tokens.)  OK how much is that?  If you start doing some BOTECs, you find out it isn’t that much.  The fish bowl contains somewhere around 200 billion words, give or take a factor of 2, but that library where it is housed contained perhaps 2 trillion words back in the olden days, and that library was grossly insufficient for so many areas of research even then.  It was filled with material that ChatGPT doesn’t know much about.  ChatGPT knows about some of it.


So what if… we could create specialty GPTs for specialty tasks, such as specific genealogy for instance.  History of Jackson Mississippi, in obsessive detail for instance, where it knows every street, every person who lived on that street and when they lived there, every graduate from that Brandon High School, every store along the local merchant row, and so on.  


ChatGPT would fly us to the approximate area, then more specific, and possibly individually-owned GPTs would navigate the neighborhoods.














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