[ExI] chatbots and marketing: was RE: India and the periodic table

spike at rainier66.com spike at rainier66.com
Fri Jun 9 16:27:03 UTC 2023



…> On Behalf Of William Flynn Wallace via extropy-chat
Subject: Re: [ExI] chatbots and marketing: was RE: India and the periodic table


>…Spike we have thumb drives that can hold a trilobite.  Wait, no. A terabyte.  No, wait.  That would be a piece of a monster.  Anyway, quite a  huge amount of memory, and we have memory problems?  bill w



Billw, it isn’t memory, it is the processing needed to do the training once the trillion tokens are available on that trilobite on that memory stick.  ChatGPT doesn’t just look up the answer from a huge text base, it creates probability matrices based on tokens, then looking at all the tokens in the prompt, then calculating what is the most likely next token, stacking them end to end, making sentences and paragraphs.


Ever since I started learning about the GPT process, I have been seeing parallels (and some important differences) in how that algorithm works when compared and contrasted with a critical breakthrough in classical controls called the Kalman filter.  The Kalman filter studies a database and creates a probability matrix of correlation coefficients, then figures out a probabilistic prediction.


Large language models look at a huge text base, then do their statistical magic to predict the next token.


As I understand it, the use of tokens (to represent words) makes the resultant LLM work in any language.  Cool!


So it isn’t so much a memory limit (agreed we have plenty of that) to a processor limit, which is why GPUs, super fast Graphical Processor Units become so critically important, which is why NVIDIA stock went thru the roof recently and its market cap is very close to a trillion dollars and might crash thru that 1E12 at any time…




…because Nvidia makes the best GPUs and GPUs are necessary to make chatbots and Taiwan manufactures Nvidia’s GPUs and why China will likely grab Taiwan at its first opportunity: Taiwan makes the hardware which the world needs to make good AIs, and he who has the most and best AIs owns the planet.


Any questions?








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